
NIOS D.El.Ed July 2018 2nd Exam Fee due date extended

NIOS released D.El.Ed Online Submissions Guidelines for July 2018 2nd examinations. The NIOS D.El.Ed 2nd Examination 2018 Online Submission Process for in-service untrained teachersExam Fees Dates 2018 on the official website of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) – The examination would conduct in September 2018.

The 2nd examination conducted for those candidates who were not able to register in the 1st exam of Diploma in Elementary Examination (D.El.Ed ) held on 31st May, 1st June and 2nd June 2018 for subject codes 501, 502 and 503.

The Exam fee for the Course 504, 505 are accepted till 30th July 2018 and for the course 501 to 505 for candidates who have not submitted during the first examination. The exam is Rs 250/- for each course.

NOTIFICATION 15/2018. The Second Exam of Diploma in Elementary Education (D ELEc) for untrained in-service teachers would be conducted during September 2018. The Examination fee for the D.El.Ed examination will be collected only through online mode ( as per the following schedule.

The D.El.Ed. Learners who could not register in the First Exams of D.El.Ed, held or 31 May (501, st June (502) and 2nd June 2018 (503), can now apply for the exams for subject code 501, 502 and 503 along with registration fee for the second exam. 504 and 505 to be held in September 2018, The complete examination. On fee to be paid for the 05 subjects will be Rs. 1250/- (Rs. 250x 5 subjects).

The D.El.Ed. Learners who have already registered /appeared for the subjects on 31st May (501), 1st Jue (502) and 2nd June 2018 (503), may only apply and appear in the examination for the subjects code 504 and 505. A fee of Rs.500/- will have to be paid by each examinee to look for 504 and 505.

D.ElLEd. Learners who have already registered/appeared in the First Examination, i.e., 31st May (501, 1st June (502) and 2nd June (503), and may be unsuccessful or absent in any of the subjects in the examination.

Will be given an opportunity to apply after the declaration of result of the First Examination to again register for the subject code 501, 502 and 503 for the examinations to be held in Sep 2018. A ten (10) days time for submission of exam fee would provide to such untrained teachers after a declaration of results of the Firs Examination.

The schedule for Serial No. (1) and (2) registration for the Second Examination of D.El.Ed would be from 1st to 31st July 2018.

Read more: NIOS Related news

NIOS D.El.Ed July 2018 2nd Exam Fees Online Submissions Guidelines:

Process for Online Submission of Exam Fees. Kindly read before Submitting and making the fee payment.

All the applicants you have to provide the Enrolment of D.El.Ed.

After putting the Enrolment, click on the submit Button to move further details.

After that, you have to select the Medium.

After that, if your percentage in Class-XII (For General category teacher) is less than 50 and for other category is less than 45% then if you have taken Admission in NIOS pick Yes else No.

If you have taken entrance in NIOS in Class XII then provide the Reference or Enrolment no (if you have got the same details)of 12th Class Admission, Do not mention the Reference any of the DElEd Admission.

After that Click on Submit, you will be redirected to make the online payment.

The Payment is victorious then you will get the message, fee payment is successful if you want you can take the print out of the same document.

At any time if you’re going to see the status whether the payment is made or not then provide the Enrolment and the Status of the Application will be visible on the Screen.

Online Submission of 2nd Examination Fees (Last Date is 10th August 2018) 2. Online Submission of II Year Admission Fees (Last Date for Submission is extended up to 5th August, 2018)

Source: Download NIOS D.El.Ed July 2018 2nd Exam Fees Online Submissions Guidelines.


Hey there, I am Suresh and very passionate to write articles quickly managed to grab a permanent position in our editorial staff. He covers finance, money and Education news and analysis.

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