Home Guards Organization Enhancement of Daily Duty Allowance to Home Guards from Rs.400/- to Rs.600/- and other allowances & facilities Orders Issued.
HOME (BUDGET) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 77 Dated: 18-06-2018. Read the following: 1.G.O.Ms. No.37, Home (Budget) Department, dated 30.03.2016. 2.From the Director General of Police, Andhra Pradesh, Lr. Rc.No.14/HGs-Accts-II/2018, dated 02.02.2018. 3.Govt. U.O.Note.No.1044155/Budget/2018, dated 15.06.2018 from Home Department addressed to the Spl.C.S to Hon’ble Chief Minister.
ORDER: In the G.O.1st read above, Government have enhanced the Daily Duty Allowance to the Home Guards of Andhra Pradesh from Rs.300/- to Rs.400/- per day and Uniform Allowance from Rs.1000/- to 1500/-, with effect from 1st April, 2016.
The Director General of Andhra Pradesh in his letter 2nd read above has requested for increase in emoluments to the Home Guards keeping in view the welfare of the said organization. The Department in the reference 3rd read above have also put forth some more facilities to be provided to Home Guards keeping in view the Supreme Court directions on Welfare of Home Guards.
Accordingly, Government after careful consideration of the issue, hereby accord permission to the Director General of Police, Andhra Pradesh to implement the following allowances and facilities to Home Guards with effect from the date of issue of this order.
AP GO 77 Enhancement of Daily Duty Allowance to Home Guards:
- Daily Duty Allowance increased from Rs.400/- to Rs.600/-.
- Paid Maternity leave of three (3) months to the Women Home Guards (for two children).
- Two days off per month (without loss of daily allowance).
- Increase in Funeral Charges from Rs.1,000/- to Rs. 10,000/-.
- NTR Vaidya Seva for all Home Guards up to Rs.2.5 Lakhs.
- Home Guards to be selected as beneficiaries in the Government subsidized Housing Schemes.
- Exgratia of Rs.5.00 Lakhs in case of death while in service, whether accidental or natural.
Read more: AP Home Guards Salaries Hiked
The Director General of Police, Andhra Pradesh shall take necessary further action immediately in the matter. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-Home & Law) Department, vide their U.O.No.FIN01-43027/41/2018-SO (FMU (HOME, COURTS))-FIN, dated 19.03.2018.
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